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     Beneficiary and partners

   BENEFICIARY: Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency
is a county public authority concerning the environmental issues fulfilling in the attributions and responsibilities of the MESD (Ministry for Environmental and Sustainable Development) at local level (being the direct subordinate to the National Environmental Agency – Bucharest.
   The institution has an important number of specialists (biologists, chemists, physicists, geographers,engineers), inspectors who are trained to evaluate the special protected areas and to monitor the habitats status in order to define the best conservation methodology.

Adrian Colin – Executive Director
Chiriac Silviu – Project Manager LIFE
Maria Plesa – Financial Administrator
Rodica Bongeac – Awareness campaign
Radu Sandu Mihai – coordinator capturing, tranquilizing, relocation action
Chiriac Nadia – coordinator awareness campaign

Adress : 2 Dinicu Golescu, Focsani , Vrancea County, Romania
Telephone: +40 0237 206788; +40 0237 216812
Fax: +40 0237 206788

   PARTNERS: Environmental Protection Agency Covasna
is a county public authority financed by the state budget having legal personality subordinated of the Environmental Ministry.
   Environmental Protection Agency Covasna operates under the provisions of GD no. 459/2005 on the reorganization and functioning of the National Environmental Protection Agency.
   This institutios is the vector which watches over all environmental factors, in accordance with the laws in force and which is applied in environmental protection strategy.

Hobincu Zoltan Albert – Executive Director
Ioan Mihai Pop – coordinator monitoring action, evaluating conflict situations
Istrate Daniela - financial responsible

Adress: 10 B-dul. G-ral Grigore Balan
Tel +40 267 323-701
Fax. +40 267 324-181
E-mail :

   PARTNERS: Environmental Protection Agency Harghita
Harghita APM is a public institution with public service status, financed from the state budget. It works to protect the environment and natural values of the county.

- Executive Director
Both József - chef EPA service
Szabo Szilard – coordinator GIS data base analysis
György Zsolt - financial responsible

Adress: 43 Márton Áron, Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita
Telephone: 0266-371313, 0266-312454
Fax: 0266-310041; 0266-312454

   PARTNERS: Association for Biodiversity Conservation (ACDB
support and promote activities of biological diversity conservation, community’s sustainable development, and ecological education through the involvement of local habitants in the process of solving of environmental problems.
   A.B.C. is making the following activities: biological diversity scientific research activities; ecological education activities with the purpose of raising awareness of population regarding environment and protected species problems; protection and conservation of wild flora and fauna activities; conservation of natural patrimony activities; management of protected areas activities.

Cosmin Stanga – methods for damage diminishing
Gelu Radu – protection systems implementing
Gheorghiu Mariana - Project Administrator

Adress: 7 Vrancioaia, Focsani, Vrancea
Fax 0237206788
Tel 0727559024

   PARTNERS: Association For Conserving Natural Values (ACNV)
has been founded by a team with wide experience in large carnivore issues. Beside many smaller projects and ecological education programes, the main implemented project is the Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center, which has been designed and built by ACNV’s team with the financial support of different international organizations. Within this project has been developed an efficient method for orphan bear rehabilitation, method based on much field observations and studies of that predator specie. In that activity the organization is cooperating with many public and responsible institutions like Ministry of Environment, National Game and Wildlife Research Institute, Forestry Department etc.
   Besides the Bear Rehab Project, ACNV is doing different biological diversity scientific research activities; ecological education activities with the purpose of raising awareness of population regarding environment and protected species problems; protection and conservation of wild flora and fauna activities.

Leonardo Bereczy – coordinator Centre for Rehabilitation of Orphan Bear Cubs
Ximena Anegroaie - Rehabilitation of bear cubs, awareness campaign

Adress: 22 1 Decembrie, Balan, Harghita
Fax 0366814306
Tel 0040740431599

   This project is financed by the:
- European Commission through LIFE+ program
- Ministry of Environment and Forests